We Workshop, an online platform for my events in Paris

Why do I spend my time publishing things on my blog ? Since the beginning I can’t stop asking myself this question and I think that the main reason why I’m doing this is because it helps me understand what I do and where I am going.

I principally refers to my projects. For instance, since 2 years I’m working as curator and organizer of international workshops in Paris about computational design and parametric architecture. I know that I love to do that but I don’t understand why. Sometimes I can’t figure out what are the connections between different things I do.

The other day I was in Amsterdam with one of the participants of a past workshop and we havre been discussing for an hour about art, architecture, computation, life and cities. I understood then clearly that working as workshop curator means constantly meeting new interesting people coming from different countries and with different approaches and ideas. And it’s one of the reasons why I love it.

Continue reading We Workshop, an online platform for my events in Paris

ONE BILLION TIMES : drawing the shape of time, space and growth

As I wrote in my previous post, ONE BILLION TIMES is an attempt to create a unique representation of time and space.

The project consists of a device ( D ) that continuously captures photos of a target landscape ( T ) and a screen ( R ) that displays an animated picture. Each pixel of the resulting image has an RGB value updated in real time defined by calculating the average of all the previous RGB values of that pixel.

The inspiration behind the project is the obsessive desire to synthesise the story of the world and reduce it to one word, one image, one thought..

In this way, ONE BILLIONS TIMES paradoxically pretends to reproduce by digital visual media the ability of human brain to summarise and to see the big picture of things.

ONE BILLION TIMES Continue reading ONE BILLION TIMES : drawing the shape of time, space and growth


Can we visualize both time and space and make them tangibles?

ONE BILLION TIMES is based on the idea of creating an ever changing
computed image that contains all the evolution of the photographed landscape.

Interesting links: